To commemorate the anniversary of the lunar landing on July 20th, 1969, information pills Google has released Google Moon. It is very similar to Google Earth, except of course, that it’s on the moon.
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Author Archives: Sean
Crunch Time!
W00t! So I set a really ambitious date for the beta-test of CID. And the way that my sleep schedule works currently, diagnosis my day starts at like 3pm and goes till about 8 or 9am. This means that the last time I’ll be able to code before the beta is the night of the 20th. So I have four workdays left! Hardcore. Continue reading
Beta Test CID on 7/21/05!
The project that I’m working on all summer has started to crescendo again. Things have started moving again, information pills features are getting finished off, check and bugs are going away instead of piling up. I’ve had a fairly strict schedule (that had to be revised once due to social obligations) and it appears that it actually might get finished by the date I’ve planned… therefore: I’m setting a date for a Beta Test.
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Just added another plugin (for those who are interested in installing/updating wordpress). It’s called BAStats and keeps track of the traffic on your WordPress blog. It had a bunch of problems originally, clinic but most of them seem to be fixed. The only bug that I found just required me to go to the options tab of the WP-admin page and “Update Options” (oddly, I have to check at least one of the “Track traffic to …” boxes).
You can find it here:
How to Smell Outsourcing
I have heard from several places that outsourced tech-support (primarily in India) is instructed to tell you they are from some obscure spot in America if they are asked. The stigma attached to outsourcing for pulling away jobs has turned this into a major game in the tech-support industry. I had a classic encounter with this tonight. Continue reading
Tags working better now
I noticed that the links for the tags (to view all posts with the same tag) weren’t working. So after a while of messing around trying to install/activate mod_rewrite on my Apache server, physician I gave up (because I think you must need to have it active when you install WP originally?). Anywho… I just hacked up Ultimate Tag Warrior to work without the mod_rewrite (just uses the URI like every other page now). Then I customized it a little more to my current theme, psychiatrist and I noticed that the Popular tags on the right side of the screen were not counting above 1. This is just an error in Ultimate Tag Warrior.
If you have a similar problem, go to the file “wp-content/plugins/ultimate-tag-warrior.php” and look at the function that starts:
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More than I bargained for
I’m working on a major project right now, public health and this project has three major sub-systems. The first is already written, more about and the second and third will require massive amounts of integration with legacy data. Continue reading
My thoughts on AJAX
I have been meaning to write something about my thoughts on AJAX, discount and I just had a dream about it last night, this so I thought I should really get it out of my head. (First off, to my defense: it’s not that weird that I dream about coding a lot, it’s the last thing I do before I go to sleep and that’s generally hours after the last time I had a normal conversation because I go to sleep and wake up late. I am not a freak! :P).
Now onto the AJAX:
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The Beginning
I just grabbed this domain (didn’t want someone else to steal it and try to resell it), case and I have it for a decade! This makes me very happy.