I’m working on a major project right now, public health and this project has three major sub-systems. The first is already written, more about and the second and third will require massive amounts of integration with legacy data. I may have to strike some business deals to secure the integration with a large market for one of the sub-systems. The other sub-system I thought was going to require a ton of manual labor. Today I was messing around actually doing some manual integration for a specific target client, and checking out some other potential clients when I noticed there was a vein that ran through more than one. 2 Hours later, I have an SDK License and an SDK (conveniently for a language I just learned about a week ago).
I started this project just a month ago, and had scheduled production to continue until 4 days from now. A small deviation popped up and the new scheduled deadline was July 18th (one extra week). I had anticipated that when this development cycle was finished, I could focus on the business aspects – mostly marketing and talking to people to speed up integration. With this new SDK and the power that comes with it, it seems that integration has itself become part of the development process. I am starting to get pretty burned out, and I was looking forward to being done with the coding side of everything soon.
On a brighter note, this inhumane amount of work that I now have cut out for myself is pretty sure to help give me at least a moderate amount of success. Basically, my project should be able to rock & roll even if I’m AWOL, but since I’ll be around to steer it, I’m anticipating a significant amount of awesome-sauce.
Since this is my first entry regarding this project, I’ll elaborate slightly. I took the summer off of regular jobs (probably would have been another programming co-op/internship) to purse my own attempts at software glory. Originally, the intent was to finish off my RTS game, This entry was posted in Life, Programming by Sean. Bookmark the permalink.